聖霊と歩む教会の歴史 日程表 Schedule of "The history of church walking with the Holy Spirit"

The study group 'The church history walking with the Holy Spirit' led by Father Takase will be held on the following dates.
The time is from 10:45 to 12:00.
Please join us.

Orientation (What is the Church?)
"The Kingdom of God: The Church Aimed Together with Jesus
(3)2025/02/07原初教会 イエスの復活と聖霊降臨・教会の誕生
The Early Church: The Resurrection of Jesus and the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Birth of the Church
(4)2025/02/21初代教会 使徒たちの伝えた教会
The First Church: The Church Transmitted by the Apostles
The Ancient Church I: The Pope, Episcopal Synods, and the Organization of the Church
The Ancient Church II: The Church after the Establishment of Christianity as the State Religion and the Development of Monasticism
The Medieval Church I: The Church in Scholastic Theology
The Medieval Church II: The Modern Church's Beginnings, the Reformation and the Catholic Reform
(9)2025/05/16近代の教会 第一バチカン公会議、組織としての教会の完成
The Modern Church: The First Vatican Council, the Completion of the Church as an Organization
(10)2025/06/06現代の教会① 第二バチカン公会議、キリストの体と神の民
The Contemporary Church I: The Second Vatican Council, the Body of Christ and the People of God
(11)2025/06/20現代の教会② 教会憲章と現代世界憲章からみる教会論
The Contemporary Church II: The Ecclesiology Seen from the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church and the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
The Synod I: What is the Synod? What is Happening in Today's Church
(13)2025/07/18シノドス② シノドス体験①「霊における対話」
The Synod II: Synodal Experience I "Dialogue in the Spirit"
(14) 2025/09/05シノドス③ シノドスの10のテーマと教会の課題
The Synod III: The 10 Themes of the Synod and the Challenges of the Church
(15)2025/09/19シノドス④ シノドスを体験しようテーマの分かち合い
The Synod IV: Experiencing the Synod, Sharing the Themes
(16)2025/10/03シノドス⑤ シノドスを体験しようテーマの分かち合い
The Synod V: Experiencing the Synod, Sharing the Themes
The Synod VI: The Fruits of the Second Session of the Synod
Summary I: Reviewing the Journey of the Church and the Meaning of the Synod
(19)2025/11/21/(予備日)(Spare Day)