教会学校からのお知らせ notice from church school(2024/10)

We hold Church School from 10:10 every sunday at meeting room next to basement hall.
10月6日(日) 13日(日) 27日(日)は通常通り
October 6th(sun) ,13th(sun) and 27th(sun) Come to meeting room next to basement hall.
10月20日(日) 聖ミカエル祭バザー
October 20th (sun) St. Michael bazaar
Church school member will help Juice store.
今月の歌 忘れないで
Song of Month "Don’t forget"
持ち物 筆記用具、楽譜ファイル、すいとう
Bring writing intensils, sheet music file, water bottle.