祭壇の花 flowers under altar (2024-07)
We'd like to show flowers on the Altar of Catholic Matsudo Church.(07/2024)

2024-7-7 年間第14主日 Fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time
I chose the flowers and colors to match the height of the altar. Flower arrangements are fun because the colors are simple and you can learn the names of the flowers.

2024-7-14 年間第15主日 Fifteenth Sunday in ordinary time
The hot and humid days continue.
I selected flowers with green colors that would last long even in hot weathers.

2024-7-21 年間第15主日 Fifteenth Sunday in ordinary time
I hope that everyone who came to Mass in the heat of the day could feel a little bit of coolness.

2024-7-28 年間第16主日 Sixteenth Sunday in ordinary time
The flowers this time are mainly pale purple Turkish bellflowers, giving it a cool summery feel. In midsummer, the high temperatures tend to spoil the flowers quickly, so the key is to arrange with lots of leaves instead of flowers. The leaves I used were Aspidistra elatior and Polygonatum falcatum that I have in my garden.