教会学校 夏の思い出!(Church school summer memories!)

7月28日(日)麦の実 子ども夏まつり (28th July(sun) mugi-no-mi summer festival for children)

宣教協力体の亀有教会から夏まつりのお誘いをいただき参加しました。 強い日差しの中、JR亀有駅から徒歩での移動は少々ハードでしたが数々の工夫を凝らしたイベントに、子どもたちは大喜びでした。ペトロ神父様をはじめ、企画準備くださいました亀有教会の方々に感謝申し上げます!

We were invited to participate in the summer festival at Kameari Church. It was a bit hard to walk from JR Kameari Station under the strong sunlight, but the children were delighted with the event, which was packed with various ideas. We would like to express our gratitude to Father Peter and the people at Kameari Church who planned and prepared the event!

8月2日(金)〜4日(日)教会学校練成会 (2nd to 4th of August Church school ren-sei-kai)

コロナで中止していた練成会ですが、今年は松戸教会、聖ミカエル幼稚園をお借りして宿泊は小学4年生以上、出入り自由という変則的な形で再開しました!侍者会をメインに、教会学校ならではのイベントを行ない、奉仕する心を培いました。真夏の暑い中でしたが、ヨゼフ会のバーベキューへの参加や夏らしい遊びなど、教会のお友だちと楽しく過ごせたこと は、貴重な体験だったと思います。

Ren-sei-kai was canceled for a while due to COVID-19, but this year it was resumed in an irregular format, borrowing Matsudo Church and St. Michael's Kindergarten, where children in the 4th grade and above could stay overnight and come and go as they pleased! We held events unique to Sunday school, centering on the training for altar boys and girls, and cultivated a spirit of service. Although it was held in the heat of midsummer, I think it was a valuable experience to have fun with friends from church, participating in a BBQ with the Society of Joseph and playing games especially played in summer.